Medical Transcription At Home

Start your own Medical Transcription at Home Business!

medical transcription at home scene



My name is Michele Miller.  I'm 42 years old, and have run a medical transcription business at home since 1994.  I live in Fort Pierce, Florida. 

I  decided to write a book about my business simply because so many people over the years have asked me how I got into medical transcription.  I would help everybody I could, and found accounts for quite a few people, including friends.  The thing was, for every person I helped, I would have to write pages and pages of notes for them to take home and look at.  It wasn't always the same notes for each person, so I was only able to copy some of the pages to hand out.

I  like helping people, especially with medical transcription because I feel very knowledgeable about it and have so much experience with it.  In the end I thought, " Why not write a manual about it?"  This way, it could cover everything that I thought was important to a successful medical transcription business, and I could answer questions once people had read it.  And so the book was born!  It's not full of fluff, it's just full of good helpful and time saving information.  The kind of stuff I wish someone could have shown me when I started out. 

I love the Internet and learning about web design.  It's also a great way to reach out and help other people who would benefit from my book.

It takes time to market and maintain my website, but I have tried to keep the cost of the book reasonable.  I hope that all who purchase it really do enjoy it and find it invaluable information.  If you are searching for a home based business, I can highly recommend medical transcription.  You won't regret it.




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